Week 13: Coastal Hazards in El Salvador

coastal flood hazard is classified as high in El Salvador according to the information that is currently available. This means that potentially-damaging waves are expected to flood the coast at least once in the next 10 years.The most common, and often very costly, damage from coastal flooding is to the foundation, basement, and lower stories of a property. In the design phase of your project, carefully consider the placement of permanent building infrastructure including electrical, mechanical (HVAC), and other services and utilities. When a building is flooded at ground level and the foundation is breached, damage is exacerbated. If the project involves significant storage of valuable assets ( warehouse, production facility), consider the impact on operations and potential financial loss to those building contents in the event of a coastal flood.

The mitigation efforts for these coastal floods are In very high-risk areas, consider designing for a moveable structure. When practical, temporarily relocating a building provides the greatest mitigation against coastal flood risks. In such cases, consult with your local jurisdiction for structural and safety requirements around replacing the building structure to its original location.

References : https://thinkhazard.org/en/report/75-el-salvador/CF


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